We know that movies are a great way to stay entertained, and that they’re perfect for curling up on the couch with a healthy snack and relaxing on a Friday night.
Believe it or not, movies can also be a place to find inspiration for our weight loss journeys — as long as we know what to look for.
On that note, we rounded up the top six movies with a message about weight loss, movies we can watch to feel good, get inspiration, laugh at, maybe even cry a little. Put on your comfy clothes, grab some air-popped popcorn and take a seat.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Deidra Edwards, Staci Lawrence, Ryan C. Benson, Elizabeth Sampson
Rating: Unrated
About: Disfigured is a movie about two young women — Lydia and Darcy — who both struggle with eating disorders — one is extremely overweight, the other extremely underweight. They form an unlikely friendship after Darcy, a recovering anorexic, joins Lydia’s “Fat Acceptance Group.”
Why You Should Watch It: Disfigured is a movie about body image and how women on two dramatically opposite ends of the spectrum struggle with the exact same things — deep body dissatisfaction that’s a constant struggle for women.
Genre: Comedy
Stars: Jack Black, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jason Alexander, Joe Viterelli
Rating: PG-13
About: Shallow Hal has spent a lifetime chasing after and dating girls for their looks. But when a motivational speaker puts a “curse” on him to only see women for their inner beauty, he finds himself falling in love with a 300-pound girl who he sees for what she has on the inside.
Why You Should Watch It: Losing weight and getting healthy is extremely important, but contrary to what much of the world tells us, it shouldn’t only be about looking good. The more important thing to strive for is the benefits it has for our health. This movie’s message is about having a positive body image and that no matter what, being a good person trumps looking like a supermodel.
Genre: Family/Comedy
Stars: Tom McGowan, Aaron Schwartz, Ben Stiller, David Goldman
Rating: PG
About: Heavy Weights is a film about a young teenage boy named Gerry sent to fat camp by his parents. The camp starts out fun, until a psychotic, fitness-frenzied personal trainer takes over and forces the kids into extreme, humiliating workouts. Gerry and his friends eventually imprison the trainer and start eating so much junk food that they become sick, l a camp counselor steps in and encourages them to actually start losing weight and exercising.
Why You Should Watch It: The best thing about this movie is that it teaches us that nothing is good in extremes. The boys were miserable and defiant when they were forced to lose weight in extreme ways by the personal trainer, and they were just as miserable when they made themselves sick eating junk food. But, when they started eating and exercising in moderation, they lost weight and found their happiness. It’s a message that mirrors what we, here at Diet-to-Go, believe works best for weight loss: Common-sense, healthy eating.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Gabourey Sidibe, Mo'Nique, Paula Patton, Mariah Carey
Rating: R
About: Precious follows the story of Claireece Precious Jones, an obese, illiterate 16-year-old about to give birth to her second child who hopes to change her life after being accepted to an alternative school. Precious’ whole life has been full of abuse — physical, mental and sexual — but attending the alternative school gives her a chance to escape it all.
Why it Works: This movie is heavy. It’s emotional and leaves most of us in tears by the end. But it also has a strong message: No matter how difficult circumstances are, perseverance and determination can result in triumph. It’s a message that we can easily apply to our personal journeys to lose weight. Because, after all, if Precious can defeat insurmountable odds and change her life, then we can too.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Kaley Cuoco, Melissa Halstrom, Michael Phenicie, Rachel Cairns
Rating: Not Rated
About: When a stuck-up, popular teenage girl named Aly injures herself, she decides to enter a documentary film project in the hopes of winning money to pay for college. Aly dons a fat suit for the film and sets out to prove that personality can overcome “bad” looks. She quickly learns how difficult life is for people who struggle with weight, and learns some valuable lessons along the way.
Why You Should Watch It: To Be Fat Like Me is a good lesson in acceptance and supporting people in a positive way to lose weight or to become the people they want to be.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Mel Rodriguez, Ashley Lauren, Jason Dugre, Charlene Amoia
Rating: Not Rated
About: Fat is about a man named Ken who, despite multiple warnings from his doctors that he’s headed to an early grave, refuses to change his eating and exercise habits. But Ken’s chance encounter with love causes him to rethink his position on life and find the motivation he needs to change.
Why You Should Watch It: Fat is the story of a struggle so many of us know — a refusal to give up the foods we (think) we love and an unwillingness to change our lives, even if we know it’s making us sick. But it’s Ken’s eventual choice to turn things around that let’s us know that no matter how stubborn we are, changing is about finding the proper motivation to do so.
Genre: Documentary
Stars: Morgan Spurlock, Daryl Isaacs, Chemeeka Walker, Dania Abu-Rmaileh
Rating: Not Rated
About: Super Size Me is a deep look at the fast food industry and what it does to people. Director and star Morgan Spurlock spends an entire month eating only at McDonald’s, and the film follows the effects on his health, as well as the company’s greed and focus on gaining profits no matter the cost.
Why You Should Watch It: There is no better film out there that so clearly outlines the pervasion of the fast food and junk food industries in our lives — and how much it’s cost us. It’s the kind of film that will leave you feeling angry and totally deceived by brands you’ve known your whole life. But, on the plus side, it’s also the kind of film that will boost your motivation and readiness to change.
Author: Caitlin H
Diet-to-Go Community Manager
Caitlin is the Diet-to-Go community manager and an avid runner. She is passionate about engaging with others online and maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle. She believes moderation is key, and people will have the most weight loss success if they engage in common-sense healthy eating and fitness.