Nuts may be just the thing if you’re looking for a tasty, filling, crunchy snack. They have been a source of nourishment for humans for thousands of years, from Nomadic foragers to the shiny snack packages lining grocery store shelves today.
Research is finding that nuts are not only a great source of protein and a healthy addition to your diet but may also be associated with lowering certain health risk factors.
Find out how nuts may improve your health and some great ways to add them to your diet!
Fish is a delicious and nutritious protein that often finds its way into healthy diets—and for good reason. It's a filling main dish packed with a wide range of nutrients. It’s also extremely versatile, affording home cooks and chefs the ability to create unique and tasty dishes that millions of people enjoy daily.
Let’s dive deeper into the health benefits of five of the most popular kinds of fish and our delicious meals that feature them!
If you’re like many of our customers, there’s a solid chance you have tried some weight loss plans in the past—and didn’t see the long-term results you desired.
Here’s the thing: The people who find lasting success do so by making it a lifestyle. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try a diet. But it means you need to find a diet that works for you and allows you to incorporate healthy eating into your everyday life.
But how can you tell if that "diet" can become a lifestyle?
You know those days when you wake up and find yourself feeling a bit sluggish?
It might not actually be a sign of a lack of sleep, or an over abundance of stress. Your diet plays a big role in energy levels too, and if you’re not giving your body the proper nourishment, it’s likely to break down and feel tired.
Thankfully, you can turn those energy levels up to high by incorporating nutritious foods into your diet. Want to boost your efficiency, brighten your spirit, and up your vitality? Try out this variety of energy-pumping foods!
The busy holiday shopping season is right around the corner, and that means it’s time to make yourself a wishlist that can get you off to the right start towards meeting your weight loss goals.
Whether you start now or put together a plan for 2022, our list of 10 functional, fabulous fitness must-haves are just what you need to find your fit-spiration.
You’ve probably heard the mantra, “Out of sight, out of mind,” right? And while it may be a bit cliché, it’s actually rooted in scientific fact - especially when it comes to setting yourself up for weight loss success.*
Studies find that women who leave things like candy, soda and cereal out on counters weigh more than those who leave out fruit. Also, women who had to walk more than six feet to get chocolate ate half as much as those who had it right in front of them. If you see junk food... you're more likely to eat it.
So, how do you go about making sure your kitchen is organized to help you eat the healthier foods?
You know that one person in your life who seems to have it made? They’re always smiling, they have great energy, they look vibrant, and they seem to enjoy every second of their day?
Chances are good that they’re a generally healthy person overall. And chances are also good that they practice certain habits to make sure of it. And that's good news for the rest of us!
How can you apply those same practices to become healthy, too?
It’s November, and for most of us that means a lot of fun, family parties and all the joy that comes with them. But the start of November’s holiday season also means we’re hit with the double whammy: High-calorie temptations and stress — both of which are known causes of weight gain that can take up to five months to burn off.
Luckily, there are ways we can combat the issue while still enjoying all that the holidays have to offer. Here are 15 Quick-and-Easy Ways to Beat the Holiday Bulge:
Yes, it can be the “most wonderful time of the year.” But for most of us, it’s also the most stressful time of the year. And if you allow yourself to get stressed and stay stressed, you could be sabotaging your own weight-loss success.
When we’re stressed, our bodies produce a higher concentration of cortisol, which in turn boosts our appetites — especially for junk food — and ultimately increases belly fat. That’s why we’re highlighting 7 quick, easy, and inconspicuous ways to de-stress during the holiday madness!
Many people give up on a weight-loss plan just a month or two after they’ve started. And many others gain back the weight they’ve lost. But it is possible to not only lose weight, but keep it off forever. How? Here are 9 daily habits of people who are successful losing weight — and keeping it off.
You’ve probably heard that you should eat three square meals a day if you’re trying to lose weight and live healthy. While that’s good in theory, some of us struggle with cravings IN BETWEEN meals — around 3 p.m., at night, sometimes all day long! Don't worry, you're not alone, and we've got 9 hacks to stay fuller longer and curb in-between meal slip-ups.
You’ve lost the weight. You’re there — or darn close. the hardest part is over, right? Or is it? Now the trick is keeping it off. How do you avoid the temptation? Not fall back into old habits? Continue eating right? That struggle is real — very real. But it can be done.
We rounded up 10 ways you can keep the weight off and stay on-track, even when life gets in the way and the temptations start piling up.
The number of people in the U.S. who are categorized as obese is growing. And as that number grows, so too does the number of diabetes cases. Ok, seems like some pretty bad news. But there’s good news, too. You can DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
If you struggle with your weight, have pre-diabetes or even Type 2 diabetes, it’s possible to control it, or even cause it to go into remission through healthy eating and moderate exercise. Where do you start? That's where we come in!
You’ll make them. You’ll hit it hard at first. Then you’ll give up in about two months (or less). Let’s face it, New Year’s resolutions have gotten a bad wrap. But we’re here to say that, contrary to popular belief, you can — actually, you should — make a New Year’s resolution. Why? Plenty of reasons! We rounded up the top 5 to make a resolution this year (no matter what the world tells us).
There’s a lot of great health information out there. So much, in fact, that finding time to keep up with each individual magazine, website, blog, newspaper, etc. is darn near impossible. Fortunately, there is one thing we check pretty much every day, all day — our email. And even more fortunately, you can get all the wellness information you need to stay on top of your health delivered right to your inbox via free email newsletters. Here are our favorites!
It’s your weekly weigh-in. You hop on the scale, thinking you did pretty well this past week, and then the disappointment creeps in — not much of a difference.
But before you throw in the towel, make sure that you’re not doing something that’s sabotaging your success, something simple that you may not have even noticed.
Does your mother still tell you not to wolf down your food at dinner and to make sure you chew your food properly so you will not choke? Do you still laugh and tell her that she is crazy?
You’ve been so disciplined with your weight loss regimen - you hired a personal trainer, triumphantly threw out the ice cream, piously refused the donuts at work but, a couple of weeks into it, you are starting to lose your will. Will you be able to push through tough times? Or have you unwittingly set yourself up for failure? Try these 5 tips to set yourself up for weight-loss SUCCESS instead.
On paper, sustaining a healthy diet and approach to eating is logical and easy. In the REAL WORLD? Not so much! No matter how strong our resolve, most of us are eventually challenged by travel, parties, snack cravings, eating out and more. With all that life throws your way, you might start to think it's impossible to stick to your goals, but with these tips, it can be easier than you think.
Forget the fads, the fancy names, and the Hollywood diet “experts.” Whether your diet is vegan, Zone or gluten-free, all diet plans with the clout to get you to your goals and the seal of approval from nutrition professionals have four important things in common. Read on to find out if your diet plan makes the cut.