Category: Healthcare & Fitness
Cost: Free (Pro version $1.99)
Wouldn't it be great if you could carry around your own personal fitness trainer in your pocket? Someone who would motivate and coach you through a workout wherever you are, whenever you wanted to workout? Well, that's basically the idea behind the Ab Workouts Free app: it's your own personal ab-focused fitness trainer in your pocket (or purse, or briefcase, or wherever you keep your device).
The download is quick and easy and despite it being free you aren't inundated with annoying pop-ups or other ads. There are four levels of workouts: Ab Toner (easiest); Core Warmer (medium); Get Ripped (hard) and Boot Camp (very hard). When you select a workout you are talked through the workout by a "trainer." There are rest periods and even words of encouragement.
You can sign up to receive email support from your "trainer." When you do, they boast that the trainer is really there for you and that you won't receive automated emails, but rather, personalized emails written from the trainer to you. They promise to really read and answer your questions, give advice, etc. Diet-to-Go tested it out and sure enough, the trainer answered the question submitted with no apparent formulaic response.
Another nice feature is the ability to alter the workouts (speed of exercises, length of rest periods and even number of reps for each set). You can also choose whether the trainer's voice is audible or not: a nice option for any close quarters exercising.
While they are four different workout "plans" there are only five different exercises: abdominal holds, bicycle crunches, planks, side crunches and sit-ups. So really, the only difference between the various workouts is which of the five exercises you do, how many sets and reps of each. So for example, the "Ab Toner" the easiest workout consists of just sit ups and planks while the "Boot Camp" workout, the hardest, just repeats the same exercises over and over. It goes like this: sit ups, abdominal holds, sit ups, planks, sit ups, side crunches, sit ups and finally bicycle crunches. So while you're definitely getting a workout, your abs will feel it, it can get a little boring.
Also, there are several places where you are encouraged to upgrade or "unlock more exercises". It's not too irritating but it can, after awhile, become annoying.
Download it! You will definitely get a good workout that you can do pretty much anywhere. And, if after awhile you get tired of the free version, and want a little more variety, you can download the upgrade for $1.99. The upgraded, "Pro" version includes all the same features of the free version as well as 20 different exercises and 10 different workout programs. So with the ability to alter as needed, chances are you'll be well on your way to a 6-pack before you can start to get bored.
Author: Sue Ridgeway