I awoke to sobering news yesterday. The morning news shows took the fizz out of my dieting joy by mentioning a new study that indicates people who drink two or more diet sodas a day double their risk of kidney function decline!Darn. On a good day I may drink as many as four 8-ounce servings of diet soda.I've tried to go the water only route but I find I just need a touch of sweetness and taste to my liquid intake.According to WebMD, "About 20 million Americans have some evidence of chronic kidney disease... Kidney disease diagnoses have doubled...
Special for DiettoGo.comby Monica Reinagel, host of Nutrition DivaJoy emailed me this week with a great question. She's wondering how to gauge the healthfulness of the snacks she sees at natural foods stores like Trader Joe's. "I bought honey-roasted sunflower seeds and flaxseed corn chips," she writes, "thinking that these were somewhat healthy (compared to Doritos, anyway). Does adding things like flaxseed to unhealthy things like corn chips make them more worthwhile? But does adding flavorings to seeds or nuts make them less healthy?"Joy, you have put your finger on a phenomenon called the "health halo effect." This is where...
Special for DiettoGo.comby Sarah Maria,author of Love Your Body, Love Your LifeHow many times have you waited for something to change so that you could finally start feeling beautiful? If you are like most women, the answer is "all the time."Here is the problem: Most of us tend to live with the delusional belief that we somehow need to change in order to be beautiful. It usually sounds something like:When I lose this extra weight, then I will be attractive.If I can just get my abs a little more toned, then I can wear that bikini I love.I feel so...
Thin celebrities. They look soooo good, but are so sick. We not only admire and critique them, but often seek to emulate their thin appearance. How many of us have ever said, "OMG - did you see how much weight she gained?" Women are judged harsher than men on screen and in real life, and by comparison, the great majority of us come up short... and fat. Never mind the team of decorators who correct celebrity flaws through computer imaging, air-brushing, flashy clothes, knockout makeup, and other seductive manipulations. We want to be thinner, like them....
Carolyn Scott loves to travel. She also likes to eat healthy. Years ago Carolyn learned the two things are not always easy to merge while on the road to a healthier liffestyle. And that's why Carolyn has made it her life mission to help others avoid the roadside bombs just waiting to destroy your diet resolve.Carolyn is now The Healthy Voyager and she'll be blogging for Diet-to-Go. For her first blog, Carolyn is targeting the camping crowd.The next time you pitch a tent, pop a trailer or park an RV, do so armed with these great tips from Carolyn, The...
A healthy lifestyle is much more than a healthy diet and maybe a fitness program. It helps to have the right mindset and to KNOW that this time you are giving it your all -- that you are, in fact, creating a new life direction.Guest blogger Laura Berman Fortgang, author of Now What? 90 Days to a New Life Direction, is here to help you achieve that new life direction in just three months.In this DiettoGo.com exclusive, check out her 10 tips and get started on the life you want to live!Creating a New Life Direction1. Make a list of...
When I was a kid, a band called The Archies had a huge hit called Sugar, Sugar. It was "bubble gum pop" about a boy's crush on a girl. If re-released today it could very well be about our nation's love affair with sugar... and the hidden sugars that spike our daily consumption.Food makers are clever. They use different forms of sugars to sweeten their goodies (far more foods than just sweets) and lure us in. As a nation, we have an insatiable sweet tooth -- one that may have to be extracted if we are ever to overcome our...
I am usually the prolific procurer for listing the top healthiest foods so you can be healthier and thinner. So it's a bit of a departure to be the bearer of bad tidings. I must admit though, it was kind of fun to be a naughty girl - even if it was just a one list stand.Here's my top 10 world's worst foods to be avoided at any cost. Brand names aren't listed, but you will know which stuff to steer clear of next time you're making the rounds in the grocery store.1) Don't Do DonutsCheck it out: white...
In addition to being darn tasty, butter comes naturally packaged with many nutrients that can help protect you from chronic disease. And, the whipped butter varieties taste just as yummy but are lower in calories, fat and cholesterol than regular butter.But this week, we turn the spotlight on butter substitutes.Sadly, looking for the best picks here was no easy feat. Most of the brands we investigated turned out to be merely "healthy food imposters." Sure, they all tout ZERO TRANS FATS, LESS SATURATED FATS and ZERO CHOLESTEROL - and promises of "tastes just like the real thing" - but upon...
Does it seem like you've been dieting your entire life yet never enjoying the weight loss you crave? If you're tired of starving yourself, giving up all of your favorite foods, feeling deprived, and exhausting yourself with exercise and still not finding the answer to permanent weight loss, then it's time you checked out The Insulin Resistance Diet (McGraw-Hill).Your weight issue probably more to do with body chemistry than it has to do with your willpower and late-night snacking. Get your body's ability to handle insulin under control and you will, in effect, be switching off your fat-making machine!"If you...
Prevention says diabetes is growing at a scary rate, but it's also one of the most preventable diseases around.Losing weight is a major first step.Shedding even 10 pounds can significantly slash your risk. Even extremely overweight people were 70% less likely to develop diabetes when they lost just 5% of their weight... even if they didn't exercise. If you weigh 175 pounds, that's a little less than 9 pounds! Use our calorie calculator to see how many calories you consume -- and how many you need to shave off your diet -- if you want to lose a little. Read...
While sodium occurs naturally in foods, most of the sodium in our diet comes from salt or sodium chloride that is added to foods. Too much sodium can contribute to high blood pressure, a risk factor for heart disease. A high sodium diet alone does not cause high blood pressure but can contribute to it in those with risk factors. 10 Ways to Kick the Salt Habit Read labels! Choose foods with less sodium than calories (per serving). Fresh is best opt for fresh fruits, vegetable, meats, poultry and fish. Look for no salt added, low-sodium or less-sodium canned vegetbles, beans,...
March is National Nutrition Month and this year's theme is about making healthier food choices. So you might ask, "What information do I need to know in order to make the right food choices?" It starts with knowing...
Are your kids sick of school lunches? How can you encourage them to take the high road when it comes to nutrition at school, when all they want is pizza? Heres a news flash: most children prefer taste over nutrition, so we need to beat them at their own game. Then everyone wins! Educating them about nutrition is important, but doesn't always translate into better choices. Thank goodness for "healthy junk foods." This new generation of health food tastes delicious, and bears no resemblance to their cardboard- and Styrofoam-flavored ancestors. Try sending along Frito Lay Sun...