Diet-to-Go Blog
  1. 3 Ways to Spring into Better Shape

    Before you know it, Memorial Day will be upon us along with outdoor barbecues, pool parties and trips to the beach. That means you’ll be wearing less clothing and showing off more skin. Is your body ready? Too often we wait until the warm weather is here before we begin exercising. That leads to frustration when we realize that there isn't enough time shed those unwanted pounds and tone up in time for warm weather fashions. Fitness is not an instant gratification process. If you want to want to look good in that tank top or tankini by summer, the best time to...

  2. How Belly Fat Causes Diabetes, Heart Attacks

  3. Nutrition Diva Analysis: The 2010 Dietary Guidelines

  4. 7 Foods to Always Have in Your Freezer

  5. It's Time to Spring Into Shape For Summer

  6. How Exercise Prevents Disease and Prolongs Life

  7. Chocolate & Other Surprisingly Heart-Healthy Foods

  8. 4 Secrets to Keeping Your New Year’s Resolution

  9. 5 Best Exercises for a Better Butt

  10. New Year, New You Workout: 30 Minutes to Fit!

  11. 6 Stress-Free Steps to a Healthier Lifestyle

  12. 4 Great Reasons to Eat More Fiber

  13. A Video That Can Change Your Life

  14. Our Biggest Losers Reveal Their Dieting Secrets

  15. Nutrition: Your Secret Weapon for Diet Success

  16. How Maurina Lost 35 lbs, Her Hubby 30!

  17. Lifestyle More Important than Genes for Longevity

  18. The 10 Worst Foods in Your Fridge

  19. Don't Be Tricked by Unhealthy Treats

  20. How to Start an Effective Fitness Routine

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